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Published: 2008

Publisher: Lecta Music Publications

Duration: 3:48

Grade: 2

Difficulty: Easy

Civil War Saga was composed in the spring of 2008 for the Prairie Grove High School Band in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Prairie Grove Battlefield National Park. The piece is a musical representation of The Battle of Prairie Grove fought December 7, 1862 in Northwest Arkansas. Even though the battle resulted in a tactical stalemate, it essentially secured northwest Arkansas for the Union. The clarinets present the main theme, gravely foretelling the soldier’s fate. A short interlude follows and the troops begin steadily marching toward the battle. After a large drum roll (artillery barrage), the pace picks up quickly as the troops march double time to form their battle lines (“Troops On Line”). On the outskirts of Prairie Grove, the Union Army stands at the bottom of the ridge, and at the top the Confederates lay waiting behind fences and trees. When the Union army advances to the top of the ridge (“To the Ridgeline”), they find themselves under a fierce Confederate counterattack from three sides. Half of the attacking Federals are wounded or killed within minutes. As the surviving Union soldiers roll back down toward the safety of their lines, Confederate soldiers spontaneously pursue (“Charge”) and attempt to break the Union’s lines. But Union artillery loaded with canister shot cause terrible damage to the unorganized Confederates and their attack fails. Later, new Union forces arrive slamming into the Confederates, resulting in heavy casualties. Civil War Saga was premiered by the Prairie Grove High School Band on January 9, 2009, Gerry Nichols, conductor.


Full Set: $ 50

Score: $ 10

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